@WeWantPlates ah yes. A dog bowl. How trendy. pic.twitter.com/n30noVdLIA
—— Zoe Carrington (@zoecarrington) July 26, 2015
英格兰中部城镇华威一间餐厅推出以狗碗盛载食物为噱头,名堂为“邋遢狗的晚餐”(Dirty Dog’s Dinner),碗里面有烟肉、焗豆、薯条及肠仔,有人质疑是否学生造出来的恶作剧,但英国《每日镜报》向餐厅职员确认真有其事,指“狗碗餐”卖4.29元英磅(约26令吉)。
有人因狗碗反感,但亦有人愿意一试,网民Zoe Carrington亲自试食,但当然是“相机先吃”,她把照片分享至社交网站Twitter,成为网上热话,有网民笑称:“下次会不会是小便盆?”
除了分享照片外,Zoe亦加上@We Want Plates,这是一个反对用篮子、屋顶砖,甚至铲子来供应食物的网上运动,其网站有其他奇特的碟子代替品照片,如捕鼠器、多士炉、手袋及火山岩等。
Name five things wrong with this picture.
(Pic: @annemarieregan1) pic.twitter.com/D5MIl7ULTL
—— We Want Plates (@WeWantPlates) July 23, 2015
“Can I have it in a crate please? I love unwashed wood and awkward cutting angles. And add £2 to the bill. Thanks.” pic.twitter.com/ymEsNMS38T
—— We Want Plates (@WeWantPlates) July 23, 2015