漫威将于下月推出最新的10周年大作《复仇者联盟:无限之战》之际,美国霍士新闻(Fox News)女主持人Shannon Bream,日前(26日)在Twitter发文指,一名快将因病离世的11岁男童Emilio,只是希望能与其中一名复仇者联盟成员见面。
Bream表示,她认识Emilio的叔叔,对方来信指Emilio的最大心愿,是与“复仇者联盟”英雄见面;Bream继而在网上发文,希望藉助网民力量完成其心愿。其后,“美国队长”Chris Evans、“钢铁侠”Robert Downey Jr.、“蜘蛛侠”Tom Holland、“鹰眼”Jeremy Renner、“蚁人”Paul Rudd、“幻视”Paul Bettany、“绯红女巫”Elizabeth Olsen和“浩克”Mark Ruffalo等,都先后响应。就连隶属“变种特攻”系列的“死侍”Ryan Reynolds都乱入,称愿意为Emilio集气。
除了一众“复仇者”外,多位影视名人如《哥谭市》的Donal Logue《神盾局》的Clark Gregg及Chloe Bennet等,亦纷纷加入,拍片为Emilio加油。
Need your help Twitterverse – trying to help a young boy who is dying. He probably has just days and all he want is a greeting from one of the Avengers. If you have a celeb connection, please let me know. Otherwise, could you help out with a RT? Thank you in advance!
—— Shannon Bream (@ShannonBream) March 25, 2018
Twitterverse, young Emilio has lost his fight. Thank you to the thousands who pitched in so that he could hear from some of his heroes in his last days. You lit up his hospital room and blessed his family. Emilio's simple request launched an avalanche of goodness and miracles. https://t.co/lEM94eyEWE
—— Shannon Bream (@ShannonBream) March 28, 2018
Though Emilio has passed, any Avengers/Heroes who wanted to send messages can now direct them to his twin little brothers who are big fans of yours too. DM me if you're interested. Let's all pray for them in the tough days/weeks ahead. https://t.co/lEM94eyEWE
—— Shannon Bream (@ShannonBream) March 28, 2018