1) 講話的太多,做事的太少!
2) 多事的太多,幹事的太少!
3) 欠錢的太多,還錢的太少!
4) 吹水的太多,理事的太少!
5) 到米的太多,建設的太少!
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S.62 duties of management corporation in relation to accounts
if the management corporation fails to comply with subsection (1), (2), (3) or (4), every member of the management committee commits an offence and shall, on conviction, be liable to a fine not exceeding two hundred and fifty thousand ringgit or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three years or to both.
- 自己本身已有家庭得照顧,如今再成為居民委員,你根本無暇顧及,分身乏術。
- 你在專心打拼事業的同時,需要在百忙中抽出時間接投訴電話,後知後覺的情況下先挨頓罵,這讓你忙得焦頭爛額,無暇兼顧事業與樓宇管理。
3. 因為對分層地契管理不瞭解,自身也不是樓宇管理專科,唯有道聽途說到處向人請教。也無法 明辨得到的信息與方案是否正確。
- 向所有單位業主收取按照責任額比例,其單位所公攤的管理費;
- 向所單位業主收取相當於管理費百分之十的儲備金;
- 核准用於該樓宇維護和管理所需的花費與開支;
- 向任何拖欠費用的單位業主追討該單位所拖欠的款項;
- 購買、租用或以其他方式獲取可移動資產以供所有的單位業主或住戶使用和享有;
- 僱用或安排及委任任何人士或服務商的服務,以維持及管理該共管樓宇;
- 在不違反第70(2)款的前提下,為適當維護和管理該共管樓宇及共有財產製定額外的家規;
- 管理機構可為執行權力或履行職責時所需的資金進行借貸;
- 以可轉讓票據或向贍養賬戶收取未付費用(不論是否已經徵收),或以對歸屬於養護賬戶的任何財產收取費用,或以上述任何手段的組合,擔保其借入的款項的償還和利息的支付;和
- 為履行本律法規定的職責和執行家規,採取一切合理必要的措施。
(2) The powers of the management corporation shall be as follows:
- to collect the charges from the proprietors in proportion to the share units or provisional share units of their respective parcels or provisional blocks;
- to collect the contribution to the sinking fund from the proprietors of an amount equivalent to ten percent of the charges.
- to authorize expenditure for the carrying out of the maintenance and management of the subdivided buildings or lands and the common property;
- to recover from any proprietor any sum expended by the management corporation in respect of that proprietor’s parcel in complying with any such notice or order as referred to in paragraph (1)(e).
- to purchase, hire or otherwise acquire movable property for use by the proprietors in connection with their use and enjoyment of the common property;
- to employ or arrange and secure the services of any person or agent to undertake the maintenance and management of the common property of the subdivided building or land;
- subject to subsection 70(2), to make additional by-laws for the proper maintenance and management of the subdivided buildings or lands and the common property.
- to borrow moneys required by the management corporation in the exercise of its powers or the performance of its duties;
- to secure the repayment of moneys borrowed by it and the payment of interest thereon by negotiable instrument or by a charge of unpaid charges to the maintenance account (whether already imposed or not), or by a charge of any property vested in it or by a combination of any of those means; and
- to do all things reasonably necessary for the performance of its duties under this Act and for the enforcement of the by-laws.